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Master Lorren

I was inspired to write this post because it’s about the first Kingkiller Chronicles theory I ever came up with. It was the gateway thought that led to my obsessive re-reading. It is something that as I have become more of a KKC lore nerd, seems so much like obvious fact that I felt it was redundant to make a post about it.   (more…)

The Burning Wheel: the Parts

Everything in Patrick Rothfuss’s amazing world is so interconnected that I am often challenged to break any subject down into a something less than novella-sized.  Everything is a fascinating rabbit hole that I want to dive down immediately! Alas, that gets confusing quickly, so today I’m going to try to put a box around some observations on NOTW Chapter  23, The Burning Wheel, so that I can use them in future analysis.  It is well known that KKC is “a story about stories.” And something that has always stuck with me is WMF Chapter 107 where Kvothe is telling his story of Felurian and he says he “borrowed a little from Taborlin the Great.” (more…)

Unpacking Kvothe’s dream in Chapter 18

In Chapter 18 of Name of the Wind, Kvothe has a dream.  He tells us when he wakes that it is a dream of two parts. “I thought very little of the other matter of the dream. Ben had never taught me sailors’ knots. My father had never finished his song.”  He didn’t want to think about the second part, but as readers we should.  These few paragraphs are absolutely stuffed with multiple layers of imagery we know to be very important to the story.  But even more, I believe this short sequence… is the story. It is the author and Kvothe’s sleeping mind telling us what is to come. (more…)

Insights from Language: Lackless Rhyme, part 1

Being a devoted wordsmith, it is not surprising that Patrick Rothfuss pays special attention to how his books are translated, as he discusses sometimes on his blog. While English is my first language, I have some competency in Japanese and French. I have both Japanese editions of NOTW (same text, just different covers), and have recently acquired the French versions of both NOTW and WMF . (WMF is not out in Japanese.) Being the obsessed fan that I am, I have started to look at some things across these language versions of the books. (more…)

Compilation of Kingkiller Info sources

This blog loves delving into the “edge” sources for KKC information, and BioLogIn on reddit has just put together a really nice compilation of such sources here:

I’m currently doing some deep dives into the differences in the French and Japanese translations of NOTW.  (Boy would I like it if they put out the Japanese WMF!)  Hopefully I’ll have enough sensical information for a post soon. But in the mean time,  that thread is a great one (whether or not you agree with the canon tiers).

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